We will support in both these phases.
With our comprehensive child development solutions, we support you every step of the way, to make sure that your vision for early education starts off on the right foot.
We start the moment you decide to open your preschool and have a place for it. We assist you in the following ways to set-up your preschool:
We provide options to choose an apt name for your Preschool/School.
We help to design the layout of your preschool /School (For placing the learning materials, furniture, outdoor area and more).
We provide scientifically designed and indigenously produced learning materials and furniture for your preschool/ School.
We will share the guidelines for recruitment of teachers, while assisting you to shortlist and interview the right candidates for the important role of teachers.
We provide techniques to market your preschool / School.
We provide design services to create the logo of your preschool / School and marketing collateral's like pamphlets, sign boards, banners and more.
After setting up, success of the preschool / School will be measured on how well the children have developed. The development of the children will depend on how efficiently you run the preschool / School . We assist you in the following ways to effectively run your preschool:
We help you streamline the day-to-day activities of a preschool / School (Safety administration implementation and time table implementation etc.).
We train you and the teachers to use the software effectively (including entry of children and teacher data, creating batches and generating batch and individual reports etc.).
We train your teachers on the strategies to work with the parents in order to support and enhance the learning and development of the child.
Our team of academic experts will constantly support you with strategies for: